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Make a change!

  • Donate!
  • Donating is the best way to help the crisis, there are many organizations that make a huge impact on the situation like Uk aid, Unicef and Supporting Syria. Giving money to organizations that are trustworthy, that you know will help always feels good. These organizations are working to give Syrian refuges acess to food, health and shelter, they are doing as much as they can to help and make a change, so it is essential to donate soon!

  • Research and educate! Take time and go further into the crisis, expand your knowlage so you know what is going on. You can too be n educater on this subject, spread the word and tell people about the situation so they too, can make a change. It is important to do this, so more and more people start making an impact.

  • Here are some Photos/updates to show how much organizations have done for this crisis

    Here are some links so you can research up and donate!
  • Click here for Unicef
  • Click here for UK aid
  • Cliack here for Supporting Syria